This evaluation tool is designed to assist senior executives and their boards of directors in better understanding the strength and relevance of their organization’s existing risk oversight processes.
From United Educators, this tool allows you to qualitatively assess each aspect of ERM: purpose and scope, centralization and accountability, process and campus risk management culture.
Industry leader Dorothy Gjerdrum, ARM-P, shares her reasons for risk management motivation, trials and tribulations, conversation about innovative practices and more on PRIMA's new risk management blog at
This is an article that was published in PRIMA's Public Risk magazine in 2007. The information in this article pertaining to ISO 31000 is out of date, however the history and overview are still instructive.
This is a PowerPoint presentation from Gallagher that goes over the evolution of risk management, key concepts and definitions, components of the standard and implementation advice and resources. Check out the notes field in the presentation to get even more out of this presentation.