Emergency Mgmt

Emergency Action Plan: Greer City Hall

Outline of emergency response plan. From City of Greer, SC.

Daily Fire-EMS Staff Health Screening

Health screening criteria provided by the Roanoke (VA) Fire-EMS Department.

Severe Weather Safety (DuPage County)

The document from DuPage County, IL outlines precautions that are to be taken by county employees working in the field in the event of severe weather.

Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports

A manual for airport personnel on wildlife hazard management at airports

Contagious Temporary Illness Policy

The purpose of this policy from Cherokee County is to offer guidance to employees and supervisors in the event of an employee's contagious temporary illness.

Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist

A checklist provided by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Disease Control that identifies specific activities large businesses can do to prepare for an influenza pandemic.

Pandemic Influenza-Attendance Policy

Pima County's adopted temporary attendance procedures specific to employees who exhibit flu symptoms during a pandemic Influenza outbreak.

Sewer Backup Exposure Reduction Program

A guide for public works managers: sewer backup exposure reduction porgram

Cold Stress Administrative Policy

The purpose of this program from the University of Alaska is to provide guidance for protecting employees from hazards of cold environmental conditions and to provide information on engineering, administrative and personal protective equipment (PPE) controls.

Bloodborne Pathogen Administrative Policy

Bloodborne pathogen administrative policy from the University of Alaska

Emergency Procedures One Page Reference Sheet

One-page, color-coded guide to the University of Alaska-Anchorage's emergency procedures

Emergency Response Guide

Emergency response guide for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Emergency Resposne Plan

Campus-wide emergency response plan for the University of Arizona

Evacuation Plan

City-wide evacutation plan for the City of Houston, Texas.

How to Distribute Public Information in a Crisis

Information dissemination guidelines for the City of Houston, Texas to help minimize confusion, misinformation and rumors in the event of an emergency.

Managing Spontaneous Volunteers in Times of Disaster

Comprehensive guide on how to manage volunteers in times of a spontaneous disater

Long Term Recovery Manual

The National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD)'s manual gives a quick overview of the major players in a community's disaster response and recovery.

Emergency Management Plan

The City of Houston's strategic gide for a citywide response to and recovery from major emergencies and disasters

Emergency Operations Plan

Emergency operations plan from the University of Alaska-Anchorage

Organizational Manual

Manual has background and history of the VOAD movement, discusses how NVOAD operates, and details several of the major aspects of state and local VOADs.

Disaster Recovery Sample Plan

Disaster response and recovery guide for local government

Pandemic Flu Plan

Tacoma and Pierce County's Pandemic Flu Plan

Sample Diaster Procedure

Colorado disaster emergency procedures handbook for local government

School Earthquake Safety Guidebook

A safety program for schools regarding the risk of earthquakes

School Emergency Response Plan and Management Guidelines

This School Emergency Response Plan and Management Guide establishes the framework for creating, reviewing, or updating the emergency and crisis response plans for participating school buildings in the District of Columbia.

Shelter and Mass Care

This document outlines organizational arrangements, operational concepts,responsibilities, and procedures to protect evacuees and others from the effects of an emergency situation by providing shelter and mass care for the City of Houston, Texas.

Task Analysis for Emergency Responders at Roadway Incidents

This report discusses the process utilized, outlines the specific job performance requirements for critical positions assigned to emergency responders and provided guidance on the use of the requirements by potential users and training organizations.
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Works well. Thanks for sharing
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